शुरुआती लोगों के लिए एआई चैटबॉट ट्यूटोरियल

एआई चैटबॉट

एआई चैटबॉट ट्यूटोरियल

इस आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस चैटबॉट ट्यूटोरियल में आप एआई चैटबॉट के बारे में जानने के लिए आवश्यक सब कुछ सीखेंगे। नीचे दी गई विषय-सूची आपको इस ट्यूटोरियल में शामिल सभी विषयों के बारे में जानकारी देगी। मेरा सुझाव है कि आप कुछ समय बिताएं और पूरी समझ के लिए ट्यूटोरियल को अंत से अंत तक पढ़ें, हालाँकि आप विषय-सूची से लिंक पर क्लिक करके सीधे प्रत्येक विषय पर जा सकते हैं।एआई चैटबॉटPinLet’s get started!Table of Content – AI Chatbot Tutorials
चैटबॉट क्या है?
सरल शब्दों में, चैटबॉट कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम हैं जो मनुष्यों (या अन्य कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामों) के साथ निम्नलिखित माध्यमों से बातचीत करते हैं:

• Voice Or • Text

Chatbots are also called as Conversational Agents, Chatterbot, Talkbot, IM Bot, Artificial Conversational Entity etc.Do you connect to the question that most of us would have asked to Siri, Cortana, Google, Alexa etc.… “How’s the weather today?”And we get a weather report either by Voice or Text reply, that’s pretty much a Chatbot in basic sense.Chatbots have been evolved from the traditional rule based bots (like the weather report) to a more complex interactive talking bot or a chatbot online using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.If you have noticed most the websites nowadays have a chat box popping up as soon as we enter the website.Something like the below:एआई चैटबॉट पॉपअपThese are basically the chatbot online, you will see online chatbots not only in websites but also in various messaging platforms, inside an application etc.Now that we know what is a chatbot, the next question is what is the importance it. Why companies spend money on chatbot development.Let’s look into some of the use cases of ai chatbot.
एआई चैटबॉट उपयोग के मामले या चैटबॉट्स का भविष्य।

The importance of chatbots are increasing nowadays than ever before. Messaging is the one thing people do more than anything else on their phone.Eventually messaging apps overtook social networking apps. If you remember in 2014 Facebook launched its independent messaging app (Facebook Messenger), separated from their social networking Facebook app, to leverage the complete potential of messaging.More than 2.5 billion people have at least one messaging app in their smartphone like Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, iMessage, WeChat etc.So companies use these messaging platforms to engage with their customers and increase the customer satisfaction.There comes the importance of conversational ai bots.There are chat bots available with the capabilities of making initial conversations with a human being and can go up to until he/she makes the final purchase. AI chatbot can engage proactively with visitors who are dropping off (from websites, apps, messaging platforms etc.) or are closer to making a purchase.For example Pizza Hut and Starbucks have Facebook Messenger and Mobile app chatbots respectively, capable of taking online orders over a text or voice. It’s also capable of telling you the total cost of your order along with the estimated delivery time.This might have reminded you of calling customer support agents and placing your order. संवादात्मक वाणिज्य and the Conversational Customer Service are the two major sectors where ai chatbots are being implemented rapidly.There are 100s of such bots are available across various industries and categories. If you need any information or assistance in terms of developmet or implementation of ai chatbot on any of the below category, then asKeygeek.com can help you! यहां पूछें!.
  • एनालिटिक्स के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • संचार के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • ग्राहक सहायता के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • डेवलपर टूल्स के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • शिक्षा के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • मनोरंजन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • फ़ाइल प्रबंधन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • वित्त के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • भोजन और पेय के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • मानव संसाधन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • जीवनशैली के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • मार्केटिंग के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • समाचार के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • कार्यालय प्रबंधन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • व्यक्तिगत उपयोग के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • उत्पादकता के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • खरीदारी के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • सामाजिक और मनोरंजन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • खेल के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • कार्य प्रबंधन के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • यात्रा के लिए AI चैटबॉट
  • उपयोगिताओं के लिए AI चैटबॉट
अब जब हमने जान लिया है कि चैटबॉट क्या है, चैटबॉट का उपयोग और इसका महत्व क्या है। आइए चैटबॉट तकनीक और चैटबॉट विकास पर एक नज़र डालें।
चैटबॉट कैसे काम करता है?
Chatbots use various technologies to function or mimic exactly as a human does. Predominately chatbots uses Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and NLP (Natural Language Processing) technologies to give a more humanly engagement. NLP is the same technology used by the earlier days’ virtual assistants like Siri, Google Now, Cortana etc.
एआई चैटबॉट विकास
चैटबॉट विकास को प्रोग्रामिंग या सॉफ्टवेयर विकास का तीसरा युग माना जा सकता है।

वेबसाइट >>>>>>> ऐप्स >>>>>>> चैटबॉट्स

First it used to be the era of Websites and web development. Websites deveopmet does not require much of explanation; all that you see on web are mostly websites including asKeygeek.com where you read this article.Then came the era of Applications or Apps. Can you imagine a smartphone without Apps? The technology columnist David Pogue rightly said, the newer smartphones can be nicknamed as “apps phones”.And here comes the third era, the Chatbots, like how applications are developed on different platforms like Android, iOS, Blackberry OS etc. Chatbots are also developed on various platforms. We will discuss about bots Publishing Platforms below.

"पहले वेबसाइटें थीं, फिर ऐप्स आए। अब, बॉट्स हैं।" - Dev.Kik.Com

As I mentioned earlier, chatbots can operate from websites, in apps, messaging platforms etc.Here we need to understand 3 terminologies or basic concepts:1. Chatbot Publishing Platforms 2. Bot Development Framework (Coding required) 3. Bot Development Platforms (Non-coding)
चैटबॉट प्रकाशन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म
As we know in case of Apps, they are developed for Publishing Platforms like Google Play Store, Apple App Store, Blackberry World etc. using Android, iOS, Blackberry OS respectively.Same way Chatbots are also developed for various publishing platforms. As of writing (Sep 2018) this tutorial, there are around 21 various Chatbot Publishing Platforms are available, where users can access the chatbots.I don’t want to make this tutorial very long by including the list of chatbot publishing platforms, however you can have a check on all the chatbot platforms from the link below.

21 चैटबॉट प्रकाशन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म

Let’s move on to the 2nd and 3rd points:As the name says ‘Bot Development Framework’ & ‘Bot Development Platforms’ are for the chatbot development purpose.There are two ways in which chatbots can be developed, either by hard-core coding or using bot development platforms with minimal or no coding, like drag and drop features etc.
बॉट डेवलपमेंट फ्रेमवर्क
Bot Developers and coders use the development framework to create bots from scratch using predefined functions and classes.Below are 3 commonly used bot development framework by developers.1. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट बॉट फ्रेमवर्क माइक्रोसॉफ्ट बॉट फ्रेमवर्क कॉमर्स चैटबॉट, सूचना चैटबॉट और एंटरप्राइज चैटबॉट के लिए परिदृश्य आधारित एआई चैटबॉट विकसित करने के लिए बॉट बिल्डर एसडीके, डेवलपर पोर्टल, बॉट डायरेक्टरी आदि जैसे घटक प्रदान करता है।माइक्रोसॉफ्ट बॉट फ्रेमवर्कPin2. Wit.ai (फेसबुक बॉट इंजन)फेसबुक बॉट इंजनPinWit.ai can extract user intent and turn it into actions, something like – “Post the last 3 pictures I took on Facebook”intent = share order_by = created_at DESC limit = 3 media = picture social_media = FacebookIt defines and extracts own entities as well as it has predefined entities like time, date etc.3. डायलॉगफ़्लो (api.ai)डायलॉगफ्लो बॉट फ्रेमवर्कPinडायलॉगफ़्लो पहले api.ai के नाम से जाना जाता था, जिसका नया नाम है। डायलॉगफ़्लो Google के प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर चलता है और Google की मशीन लर्निंग विशेषज्ञता द्वारा संचालित है। डायलॉगफ़्लो में एंटरप्राइज़ संस्करण के साथ-साथ सीमित नॉलेज कनेक्टर आदि के साथ एक निःशुल्क मानक संस्करण भी उपलब्ध है।
बॉट विकास प्लेटफार्म.
बॉट डेवलपमेंट प्लेटफॉर्म का उपयोग करना आसान तरीका है कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता चैटरबॉट बनाना without worrying about the coding part.Below are some of the commonly used chatbot platform for development.Hope this gives you a basic understanding on what is an ai chatbot, its importance and how it works etc.Can you now recollect any of the ai chatbot that you have used or come across, let me know in the comments section below.
Picture of Anson Antony
एंसन एंटनी
Anson is a contributing author and the founder of www.askeygeek.com. His passion for learning new things led to the creation of askeygeek.com, which focuses on technology and business. With over a decade of experience in Business Process Outsourcing, Finance & Accounting, Information Technology, Operational Excellence & Business Intelligence, Anson has worked for companies such as Genpact, Hewlett Packard, M*Modal, and Capgemini in various roles. Apart from his professional pursuits, he is a movie enthusiast who enjoys spending hours watching and studying cinema, and he is also a filmmaker.

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